Tag Archives: symptoms

Symptoms of Tonsil Stones

Tonsil stones are also known as tonsilloliths and are caused by the presence bacteria and debris that become trapped in the small cracks or pockets of the tonsils. Mucous and dead cells can often find their way between all the little nooks and crannies of the tonsils but it is when they calcify or harden that tonsil stones then form. Those who are prone to bouts of tonsillitis or inflammation of the tonsils are more likely to develop tonsil stones which can range in size and symptoms. […]

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So, What Are Tonsil Stones?

Most folks haven’t even heard of tonsil stones. However, it makes one wonder how many people out there who suffer from bad breath and other related symptoms may just in fact have tonsil stones and simply not know it. This article will touch up what tonsil stones are as well as offer some practical info on how to get rid of them for good. Technically speaking, tonsil stones are known medically as tonsilloliths. For this article, we’ll simply refer to them as tonsil stones. Tonsil stones are […]

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How to Treat Tonsil Stones

There are several ways in which to treat tonsil stones and the appropriate option usually depends on their size and severity. Tonsil stones can vary greatly in size as well as in the accompanying symptoms. Although there are more natural remedies available it is always best to seek medical advice as soon as you suspect you have tonsil stones. A professional opinion and examination with not only confirm the correct diagnosis but it will also eliminate the worry of having something much more serious. In those cases […]

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